Feeding Help


What is everyone feeding LOs? What does schedule look like?

My son will take 3 oz at a time in bottle (BM). I just started combining with formula.

I’ve tried to wait longer and do larger bottles but he won’t finish them. I feel like it’s not enough! He rarely finishes 5 oz bottle. But he’s having wet diapers thru day and isn’t fussy. He weighed 20 lbs at 9 month appt. Doctor was very happy with weight.

I don’t know if I’m doing enough solids. I offer and let him lead and then sometimes follow up with a purée. But lately he doesn’t even want the purée. Right now it’s mostly carbs bc he can easily chew those - I want more fruits and veggies in his diet but I’m worried about choking.

He wakes up once a night to eat still but it’s better than before where it was 2x a night, four hours apart.

What do your feeding schedules look like?