Panic/ anxiety attacks

Been having one of these lately. Idk wtf it is. I’m not anxious , or stressed.

They happen when I’m about to sleep or they wake me up from my sleep. Went to the Er n doctor and they said I was all fine.

Not taking any drugs or medicine and not drinking. Not pregnant. Healthy 18 y/o.

But it’s terrifying cuz I feel like I’m gonna pass out w being dizzy and my chest hurts and hearts hammering and palpitating at times.

Like I haven’t had any “real” anxiety issues in almost a year. Sometimes I feel it coming on but other than that I’m fine rn. I’ve had terrible anxiety in the past but never have I had panic attacks or any bad anxiety attacks. Maybe one or two but it was nothing honestly. Especially compared to this shit.

I made a rant post ab this but honestly I just need to keep myself distracted and hope it passes. I just want to sleep guys.

I think I’ve developed separation anxiety cuz whenever I sleepover my friends, I get a panic attack cuz I start thinking how I’m not with my parents and if anything bad happens I’ll be screwed or if I get scared I can’t just talk with my parents cuz they’re not there.

Also I think it’s called a hypochondriac? I think I got that cuz I start thinking some stupid shit sometimes like when I ate my sandwich today I was like “shit what if I’m allergic to tomatoes even though I had ketchup earlier today and have had tomatoes before.” And I get worried like that.

Other times I start thinking if I developed a disease or something and I freak out and think I’ll all of a sudden start dying right then and there. The amount of times I’m worried I’m having a heart attack just during the panic / anxiety attacks are crazy. And Ik this is a seriously sensitive topic and I truly don’t mean any offense by this whatsoever so I won’t be too specific about the situation but , it’s just what my brain went to. Anyhoo I read earlier the you can develop epilepsy and so then I was like shit what if I developed it and I have it but don’t even know it ? And then what if I think that I have it so something in my brain actually makes me have it? And then boom- I start freaking out a bit. Like it’s a never ending cycle. And I don’t constantly think like that but it’s enough to be annoying.

Ugh nobody’s gonna read this itsso long