Fertile after miscarriage


Hi all, I am currently carrying a missed miscarriage, about 7weeks. I still haven’t bled out or had a curette, just waiting at the moment for another scan in 3 days and to see what my body does.

My question is - I am reading a lot about how some women are SUPER FERTILE after a miscarriage. Does anyone know about this? Like, scientifically we know you can only get pregnant once an egg is released/you’ve ovulated. Do you ovulate multiple times within a regular cycle after miscarriage? Is it possible for more eggs to be released? Or is it just an old wives tale and it’s just that people are SUPER TTC after miscarriage so the chances naturally go up?

I am already curious about our next journey. 😥 I really want to start again as soon as possible but obviously need to finalise what’s happening in my body at the moment. I am so sad in this limbo land.