Advice and support needed! Husband traveling for work


Alright ladies I need advice and support on how to be supportive and not make this change terrible for both of us. He’s going to have a hard time with it too.

My fiancé is getting a new job that requires travel and it’ll be the first time he’s doing something like this. But the pay is good and I know that it’ll be okay because it’s for work and not play. Anyway, for those of you who travel or who’s husband/boyfriend travel for work while you have kids... how often is he home? How do you make it work? I’m nervous and excited for him all at the same time. He’s nervous about being away for so long. Any tips on how to make it easier for both of us would be much appreciated! I’m due in October and he will be starting this job before then. So also how would you handle the possibility of him not being there on time for The birth. Do you have a back up plan/person to be there with you?