My daughters last name....


So I discovered my daughters last name (her dad's last name) is incorrect /possibly misspelt. The story doesn't even make any sense to me, it's spelt wrong on her dad's birth certificate. When he pointed it out his mums response was "ohh". I think there's more to the story but it isn't my place to pry. It's just annoying cos everywhere we go people say "I've never heard of it being spelt this way, are you sure it isn't misspelt?" I just laugh it off and leave it at that. My partners dad isn't in the picture incase you're wondering. Anyway I know it's very unlikely but has this happened to anyone else??

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Posted at
I'm confused on how you had a child with someone and dont know how to spell their name correctly on the birth certificate


Nayeli 🇵🇷🌺🌴 • Aug 2, 2019
If you're confused keep it moving. Nobody needs your ugly attitude.


Teja • Aug 2, 2019
Basically my partner doesn't know the real spelling of his last name. His name is double barrel. He had alot of trouble with his passport because his mum gave him her ex husbands last name also (not his biological father), so he discovered that his real father's last name has been spelt wrong on his passport and birth certificate. Not only that his mum and everyone else has been spelling it the same way (wrong) his entire life (almost 40 years). His mum either did it on purpose cos she didn't want him to find his real dad or genuinely doesn't know his dad's last name for sure and fobbed him off with a story.


A. • Aug 2, 2019
So now I’m confused. When you had your child did they copy the name off of the dad’s birth certificate? Or how did it get spelled wrong if they are spelling it correctly and it’s just wrong on the birth certificate? I don’t even know if what I just asked makes sense lol


Posted at
If that’s how they spell it, it isn’t really spelled wrong. Just differently than how his father spelled it.


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My husband and sister in law both have name typos on their birth certificates. 🤷‍♀️


Teja • Aug 2, 2019
Purposely **


Teja • Aug 2, 2019
I do too but my dad did it properly, he didn't like the apostrophe so he took it out. The apostrophe is needed so I still use it unless I'm dealing with official documents.


Posted at
Not me personally but I have a friend who’s last name is common, but spelled differently than it usually is. The story he gets from his mom is that she wanted to give h his (absent) father’s last name, but not exactly so she changed the spelling. Doesn’t make much sense to me but sometimes people are weird.


Alex • Aug 2, 2019
Sounds like it...good luck!!!


Teja • Aug 2, 2019
Yeah I just didn't want any arguments to be honest and I found out after our daughter was registered. His name is double barrel and his other last name is actually his mums ex husbands. What a mess!!


Alex • Aug 1, 2019
That’s totally possible! Super weird still if I was in the same position I would just give the baby my name...but to each their own!


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My middle name is DeAnne and no official document allows for the capital A 😂


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My last name is spelled "wrong", so I'm the only one in my family with my spelling. I never knew my last name was spelled differently until I was a grown up and needed to get a passport to study abroad. Don't know why or how it happened in the first place.


Posted at
What's the last name and what should it actually be ? That's crazy


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I am SO curious about what the last name is, but I guess you didn’t put it for a reason. Honestly, if your partner and the baby’s name are spelled the same way, I would leave it and just let people make silly comments. I know someone whose last name if Ffrench WITH the double F and she doesn’t know where it came from, but her whole family spells it that way and has for generations. My husband’s half sister has her father’s last name and the grandparents changed the spelling from MacDonnel to MacDonell just to change the pronunciation to Mac-Do-nell instead of Mac-Donn-ul.And, my family also changed the spelling of their name to a similar French surname, but pronounce it in a more anglo way, so people do kind of get confused but it’s pretty common to do that too. Don’t sweat it. Think of it as a tradition in your family that starts with your husband. If it really bothers him, then let him take the lead on it. Otherwise, that is his name and it would be fine if people weren’t making stupid comments, so 🤷‍♀️


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I have a friend whose family name was misspelled due to miscommunication during their immigration process. They just kept the misspelling to avoid the paperwork. My friend didn’t find out until years later.


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So your MIL is being vague about why the spelling is different? I’d wonder if she did it intentionally for a reason that she doesn’t want to get Into at this point. I will say that my BIL’s family, who live in Israel, have a name that they spell one way in the states, but his parents spell slightly differently in Israel. It has two “s” in the states and one in Israel. It was odd when I noticed it, but it’s not the hugest deal because I don’t have any legalDocuments hinging on this.