I actually felt pretty today


It’s been a while since I’ve said that! I decided to toughen up and not let negativity keep me from being who I am. I took my Star of David necklace out of my jewelry box...and wore it WITHOUT trying to keep it covered today. Put on my headscarf (also been a while since I took one of those out), and picked out an outfit that I will say surprised me that it still fits! My husband got home from work completely exhausted, but his face lit up and said “holy crap you look beautiful!” He tells me that all the time, but I actually agreed with him this time. ❤️ The best part: I actually went OUT! I didn’t do all of that and just stay home.

That’s a distant memory now...as I’m sitting on the couch with baggy sweatpants, one of his sweatshirts, and my hair in a messy bun. Oh well 😂😂😂