Misinterpretation of my own dreams


Since finding out that i am pregnant i have been having weird dreams all filled with boys. For instance in one dream i was walking to work with this very heavy bookbag on and kept falling down to the point where i would just scoot on my side to try to get to my destination. A group of young men were playing basket ball near where i had fallen and offered to help me get to the cornerstore. As we approach the store i happened to see my coworker and asked for a ride. She couldnt help me because she had a truck full of guys and there was no room. And last night i dreamed of my eldest brother. We were at a house and all of my clothes were there but i didnt live there. It was like a speak easy and i guess i ran it for him. And the man cave was in the garage and this guy built it and i tried to take pictures to send to my husband for the idea to use in our own garage but this young man kept taking my phone and purse which was making it hard for me to leave to get to my husband. I know this all sounds weird but oddly there was no women, which made me feel like i was having a boy. Found out today its a girl.🙄🙄🙄🤔🤔🤔😅