Our announcement


We hoped and we prayed, now we’re excited to say, our Rainbow baby is on the way! 🌈

Two years, 730 days. 6 miscarriages, 16 rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>, 3 failed IUIs, 2 surgeries, over 10 procedures, thousands of shots, hundreds of ultrasounds, hundreds of appointments- and an uncountable amount of bloodwork, medication, and testing.

1 autoimmune disease, Recurrent miscarriage syndrome, 2 gene mutations, PCOS, Infertility and hypothyroidism- we never gave up.

6 times we sat in a room and were told, “I’m sorry, there is no longer a heartbeat.” 1 twin pregnancy that ended in a late term loss, which resulted in emergency surgery.

2 years of heartache. So many what ifs, questions, and confusion. With each loss I told myself, the sun will rise and we will try again. It’s better to try and fail, than to not try at all.

It started out with unexplained loss, but we easily became pregnant each and every time we tried. 6 times within 13 months. Then after the 6 losses- we suddenly battled infertility for a year straight- even with fertility treatments. We decided to take a break because my body was exhausted after a year of treatment and everything that comes with it. To our surprise, as soon as we stopped treatment, we conceived. 🖤

During our child loss and infertility journey, I also lost my grandmother and father in the same year, 6 months apart. A year exactly after my dads passing and we have been blessed with this miracle, I believe, with everything I have in me, that this has been a gift sent straight down from my angels.

Good things come to those who wait ✨

Storms make trees grow deeper roots, never loose hope.

1 blue balloon for our perfect little boy, 6 white balloons for our angel babies, and a rainbow balloon representing our baby after the storm.

We ask for continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy, and a happy, healthy, baby at the end of the rainbow. 🌈

~After every storm comes a rainbow of hope,

Baby Carroll, Due February 2020~

📸: Restless Photography by Kimberly Greenleaf