My early symptoms


So, after 2 years I finally got a BFP🎉

I've had the normal symptoms that felt like my period was arriving, but what was different this time was, a week before my missed period, maybe a bit longer than that, was my anxiety and depression was extremely high! Now, I normally have depression and anxiety and when it's bad I can usually pin point the problem, but this felt different and it lasted a week straight of constant fear, fatigue, sadness, etc. I could not get out of bed, I cried constantly and moods were crazy! I felt like something was off, but brushed it off because I gave up hope of being pregnant. Then my period was late, figured all the stress and such threw off my period, so didn't think anything of it. Then the high sex drive came! I could not keep my hands off my Husband! Even when he was being the worlds biggest ass I wanted him more! And the last one was I had a dream I took my test and the second I peed on it the line came up instantly. So, 10 days late I took my test today and the second the urine it the test there was that line instantly and sure enough a BFP. Thought I would just share and baby dust to all!💋❤️