Endometriosis? Please Read! Need Advice.


Around 4:30pm yesterday, I woke up with sharp, severely painful pain in my lower abdomen (ovary area) and vagina.

The pain was so bad I thought I was going to black out.

My period was basically over, so I knew it wasn’t a cramp— it was far worse than any cramp I’d ever experienced.

My mother drove me to the emergency room (I’m 18, but I knew I’d probably be given something for the pain) and they took me back immediately.

After a catheter-taken urine sample was looked at, nothing was found.

A pelvic exam was then done, and was SUPER painful (I’ve had a few in the past) and everything was, again, normal.

Finally they decided to give me morphine and then contrast for a CT scan.

Everything came back normal. I had fluid ran through me, and the doctor told me nothing seemed wrong.

I have to check in with my primary care physician sometime this week or the upcoming week.

I’m still in quite a bit of pain, and even more nauseous than before.

The doctor told me I might need to be checked for Endometriosis.

I don’t really know much about it, but I am worried. I quite literally feel like I’m dying.

Any advice please, would be a saving grace.