Neww Update! - Ultrasound day!!!!!

Stacey • My 🌈 baby Evelyn Arya born 4/5/20

I’m 4w6d and in 3 hours I will be at the doctor getting a super early ultrasound. My hcg should be over 4,000 and I just hope everything is in the right place and somehow we can see a fetal pole this early because I’ve yet to see one in any of my pregnancies. Every time I’ve had a pregnancy ultrasound I’ve left in tears. Please let everything be okay 🙏❤️🌈👶

Update: I insisted they print these out for me, lol. In the top picture I see a little spec but they didn’t say anything was visible yet. Doctor was relieved that there’s only one sac though considering my multiples risk this time! Glad everything’s in the right spot. Next ultrasound is next Wednesday. Due date per doctor is 4/6 ❤️ waiting on blood results from today. Also I have a couple cysts on each ovary from the Gonal F injections which explains why I’ve had random ovary pain every day. Doctor said not to “bounce around too much” and “be gentle during intercourse” for the next couple weeks or they could burst 😱 Wtf?? 😂

Side note - Siri gave me a “suggestion” this morning to open my note pad of baby names and the top one popped up in it. Can’t help but hope this is a sign!! Evelyn Arya 👧🏻





It’s a babyyy!!! Heart beat 100bpm!! Thank goodness. Measuring ahead at 5w6d. I’m sooo happy I shed some tears when the tech zoomed in to show me everything