Weeks Pregnant Not Lining Up with OPK


HELP💛 Ladies, I feel very overwhelmed & I have not had my questions answered by my family doc, I saw him yesterday, he was very dismissive.

This may be lengthy, please bare with me, need some support to ease my worries.

I had a chemical miscarriage May, had a work up, my body cleared everything & we could start trying right away. Three weeks post miscarriage in June I spotted for an entire week, followed by what I thought was a period June 23-25 (light & short).

My gut told me to use an OPK July 7th, it was positive, luckily we were already active July 3rd & 5th, plus the 7th & 8th.

I anticipated AF to arrive July 21st/22nd. On July 19th with a first response I got a faint BFP. I tested every morning for 1 week, line progressed. Since I had spotting July 13-19th (potentially implantation bleeding) I had blood work for HCG, numbers: 28-195-485-1210-3401.

Ultrasound 3 days ago, I thought I would be 5w+2days based on June’s period and positive OPK but technician said measuring more 4w+6days.

The MD reviewed the report he said 4w+2d, not sure how that’s possible, I am certain I ovulated by the 8th or 9th. (No BD after July 8th).

I am worried it won’t be viable. Do the new dates seem to match up & am I worrying for nothing? What do you ladies think?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Originally had EDD March 30th, now looking like April 2-6 🤷‍
