Waking in night/wide awake


Is anyone else’s baby waking in the middle of the night and then being wide awake for several hours? Ever since we went on vacation our daughter has been waking in the middle of the night and then not letting us put her back to bed, the minute we lay her down (even in a deep sleep) she wakes 5 minutes later. On vacation we had to have her sleep with us because we didn’t have anywhere to sit to rock her back to sleep. At home we will try to sit in her rocker and rock her back to sleep, but even when she’s asleep and we lay her back down she wakes. Last night my husband rocked her for a hour, I rocked her for a hour, then I was so tired I just put her in the bed with us because she wasn’t settling down and I was falling asleep in her rocking chair. She didn’t end up falling asleep till about 4 (woke up at 1:30) then she slept soundly with us. Ugh this is getting so frustrating, 3rd night in a row. Is it the leap? Idk if it’s her teeth? Nightmares or what? Idk what to do.

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Posted at
Same for us I thought it was because she had a sore throat at first but that’s gone and the nights got really hard work as you described waking easily then hours of rocking to go back down. I don’t want to jinx it but the last few nights have been better but I suspect it could be teething related as she’s had a red cheek on and off last couple of days. I take comfort in the fact they change so often and it won’t last forever!!


Olivia • Aug 6, 2019


Lucy • Aug 5, 2019
Teething is the worst! Wishing you luck and new sleep tonight!


Olivia • Aug 4, 2019
My daughter has a red cheek to off and on and I also think it’s due to teething. I gave her Ibuprofen last night before bed and she slept till 5 without waking up crying, that’s the longest she has slept in 4 nights, she was still tired and my husband rocked her but she wouldn’t settled down so she ended up sleeping with us for about another hour or so


Posted at
My baby has been doing this for like 6 weeks I'm tired too I hope it stops soon I've tried so many different things too x


Olivia • Aug 6, 2019
6 weeks?!?! I really hope it doesn’t last that long for us, we aren’t even a week in. I j yet don’t get it she used to be such a good sleeper bows she’s waking up crying 1-3 times a night! Ugh! Make it stop!


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My son doesn’t wake up fully but keeps waking up every hour 😩 i’m one tired mama and i’m also 8 months pregnant 😩 i might try tylenol tonight before bed.


Posted at
My son has been doing the same and I think it’s teeth! The last 2 nights I’ve given him some Tylenol before bed and he’s slept thru the night both nights (which he never does) 😬


Olivia • Aug 3, 2019
I might have to try that tonight.


Posted at
My son did this, and I think it’s because his molars were moving. Hang in there!