Late period, help! Sorry for long post 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m 2 days late on my period. I haven’t had my usual symptoms like cramps or just feeling like it’s coming? If that makes any sense. Over the last week I’ve been tired and just don’t want to do anything. I get tired by 7/8 at night and I usually don’t even go to bed until 11 or 12. I’ve had some light nausea but it feels closer to hunger sickness or an uneasy feeling. I’ve had headaches, and one of my nipples is super sensitive like it’s bruised or something. I’ve been kind of introverted even with my husband. He keeps asking what’s wrong with me but I really don’t have anything wrong. I just don’t feel like myself.

I have taken 2 tests and both have said negative. I know that I should keep waiting to see if it comes, or if I get a positive. I just wondered if any other mamas have experienced something like this? I’ve never had the implantation cramps or bleeding, and I haven’t noticed any symptoms before 5-6 weeks with my other two children. Any one have any experiences like this?!