Could I be pregnant!!!


I'm seriously freaking out!! I had a D&C July 10th with twins they were only yolks sacs so I don't think I was far along at all but my HCG levels were high last time they was check was July 3rd and they were 63,000 something and now it's been 3 weeks and 4 day since miscarriage and I'm getting a faint positive!!! I don't want to get my Hope's up but I want to be pregnant. They checked my levels 4 days ago it was 18 and I'm still getting positives!! Could I be!!!

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Posted at
Sorry but I had faint lines like that 4 to six weeks after my miscarriage but it was just my levels still dropping. But just check in a week and see if the line gets darker .I hope it does!


Posted at
My levels were only at 69 and it took them 6 weeks to come down. If your levels are dropping then I would think it’s left over hcg


Posted at
I highly doubt it. It takes a while for your numbers to get back to normal. I’m sorry for your loss


Posted at
It could be! Just keep testing and make sure it gets darker. As long as it gets darker, it’s a new pregnancy. If it fades then you’ll know it was leftover. Best of luck ❤️😊🙏🏼


Posted at
But there down to 9 now so how am I getting a positive. I'm just so confused


Brittany • Aug 5, 2019
Oh okay I go back tomorrow I just hate not knowing what's going one


Brittany • Aug 5, 2019
Oh okay I go back tomorrow I just hate not knowing what's going one


Amberlynn • Aug 5, 2019
I got a BFP with only 11 unfortunately when I was getting ready to miscarry again


Posted at
My lines took 6 weeks to go away after my d&c also had twins 😬 ♥️🙏🏽 praying for your healing your 🌈 will come !


Sarah • Aug 4, 2019
Yeah ! I got them checked after starting at 4 weeks post surgery because I also thought I could’ve had a new pregnancy but they were going down not up so it wasn’t


Brittany • Aug 4, 2019
Did you get your levels checked


Posted at
But how can I get a positive pregnancy test with hcg level of 9. This was this morning's test!


Brittany • Aug 4, 2019
It's not an evap it came up with in time from I was at hospital and they confirmed I am pregnant there just not sure if it would or new pregnancy


Jessica • Aug 4, 2019
These tests are NOTORIOUS for evap lines. I didn’t even use them at the beginning of this pregnancy until I knew I was pregnant.


Ka • Aug 4, 2019
Fingers crossed for you! Your hcg was very very high from the twins so it can take much longer for it to drop and trigger ovulation than it did with a singleton pregnancy. Since you’re at a 9 I’d say ovulation will happen soon! You can always take opks starting now to see if you’re getting close.


Posted at
It took my body 4 weeks to fully come down to a 0 HCG and that was because my doctor still had me taking blood tests to confirm it. She told me it could take up to 6-8 weeks even with how high my HCG was.


Posted at
If it’s only been a month since your d&c and your levels were that high and still at an 18 4 days ago I would think it’s leftover hcg, but I could be wrong! Have you been having sex since the procedure? I’m not sure if you would have ovulated yet with the hcg still in your system and to get a positive pregnancy test after implantation but anything is possible! I’d go get your hcg tested again or take another test to see if it gets darker. So sorry for your losses and have my fingers crossed for you! 🤞🏼♥️