
Diagnosed with OHSS during my first

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle.

Retrieval was today, they got 61 eggs.

We will be doing a frozen transfer but I’m not really sure about the timing of anything or what medications are typically involved since all we ever talked about was a fresh transfer.

Any advice, tips or information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


So we got the call from the embryologist. Of the 61 eggs they retrieved, they were able to perform ICSI on 59 of them. Of the 59, 40 of them are at the fertilization stage and 6 of them have already started dividing. 1 of them is dividing too fast and already has 4-5 cells which they don't like but are going to continue to monitor and 11 didn't fertilize. So we are working with 46 EMBRYOS! 46!

We’ll get another call in a week with out finally numbers but everything is looking great!