I feel discriminated against and hurt.

Jessie • I'm 23 years old and work in a hotel. I've filled my house with an abundance of cute critters. I currently own 2 cats, 4 rats, a dog, 3 tarantulas, a frog, a 40 gal fish tank, and a 150 gal salt water reef tank.

I grew up Catholic, but never felt a strong connection to it. In high school my girlfriend invited me to her families Summer Solstice celebration. It was the most in touch with the Earth I'd ever felt. I was 15 and I'm 23 now and I've been Wiccan ever since. I deal with a lot from my family, even as far as being kicked out when I was 15, both for religion and being pan sexual. It was a struggle for me to be open about my religion, but I've gotten to the point where I can talk about it and wear my pentacle with pride.

When I go to work I wear switch my normal pentacle for a small silver pentacle roughly the size of my thumb nail, as to be discreet. I work in at the front desk in a hotel and I try to honor my religion without shoving it in people's faces. Today I was talking to a co-worker and she suddenly became very quiet. Later that day my boss pulled me into the office and asked what my necklace was for. I explained it and she responded by asking me to remove it because it was offending people. I was shocked and horrified.

My response was to ask her if she would remove her cross if she was asked to. Which in hind sight may not have been the best way to speak to a boss, but I was extremely upset. She seemed to realize what she was asking and later apologised, but I'm still really upset with my co-worker.

Is it wrong of me to be wearing it at work? Does she have the right to ask me not to?