Complicated Obgyn!

Christine • Endo Warrior🎗, Mommy to an 👼🏽 angel.

Ugh soo we have been out of town alot while TTC , because of his job. We’re tired of finding Ob’s for Fertility testing/treatment on the road ,only to move cities& have to cancel the appointments with the new doctor, sometimes before even seeing the new doctor!

So Friday ,I call up my regular Ob that I use while at home. So I can try to get an appointment while I’m home for 2weeks, & start the records transfer. Only for them to tell me I need: “a Dr Verified pregnancy test”,before they’ll schedule an appointment , since my period is late! And they won’t test me,I have to go to a walk-in clinic , or my general care doctor. But my GC doc doesn’t work at my drs office anymore, so I’d still be a new patient , even though I’ve been there b4!

All I keep thinking is, “ y’all are a fucking WOMENS CLINIC, why can’t y’all preform the pregnancy test?!?! “

So here am 8 days late with a negative otc pregnancy test,& I still have to go to a walk-in clinic for a “Dr Verified pregnancy test” before I can make any kind of appointment. If I was home longer , I’d find a new doc, but that’s always like a monthlong or more wait for a new patient!