14 week ultrasound tomorrow


Hi Ladies,

Super anxious for my ultrasound tomorrow morning. This will be my 3rd scan.

I have had 2 previous losses one at 10 weeks and the other at 11 weeks a mmc and blighted ovum.

This is the furthest I've come, still doesn't feel real. This time around we saw baby at 9 weeks and all looked good. Then at 11 weeks and all looked good. We did the NIPT test and all came back low risk and that it's a girl 💜

So I'm just praying that tomorrow continues like this and that we get to see our beautiful little baby girl growing and moving around.

I just wish I could feel her so I know she is safe.

If you have any encouraging words for a scared future Mama, it would be really appreciated.

And please send lots of prayers my way🙏 I really want to be excited but I'm really nervous.

My new baby bump

9 weeks scan

11 weeks scan

Just some cute pictures 💞