In shock! (Long post)


Here I sit in a Slim Chicken’s restaurant in complete and utter disbelief...

A little back story.

I’ve had 5 miscarriages; 4 within 5 weeks and one at 8 weeks. And 4 of those have been in the last year.

I have one healthy beautiful 2 year old baby girl and we’ve been trying for #2 for a year and a half.

I went to the doctor to get my levels checked back in April and they discovered that I developed hypothyroidism after giving birth to my daughter, so they put me on medication to regulate that.

The last five months we’ve been trying really hard to conceive, <a href="">Tracking ovulation</a>, baby dancing every day during the fertile window, and eating pineapple cores after ovulating. And we just couldn’t get pregnant.

I decided to give up trying for a while and focus on my health.

Now here we are...

I’m not exactly sure what dpo I am since I didn’t track this last month but I’d guess I’m anywhere from 11-13 dpo based on my normal periods.

I am trying hard to live in the moment and praying this one is our beautiful rainbow!