Cramping question

First, please don’t be rude when answering my question: ftm here and knowing the logistics are only making me more anxious - so I’m asking for some expert experience.

That said, we’re 38 & 1 today. No idea where we are in terms of dilation as our midwives don’t check, though baby has dropped.

My question is this: so many people have said that labor feels like period cramps. But I am used to some really nasty period cramps (like pain down my legs bad) and so I’m wondering if I should expect those heavier cramps to signal labor? Or are the lighter-than-used-to cramps I should also pay attention to?

I know that timing things and the 5-1-1 rule are what will tell me for sure... but I’m struggling to determine when to count contractions. My body is acknowledging some, but I can definitely walk and function through them.

I’m pretty sure the cramps I’m having now are just Braxton Hicks as they calm down a little when I stand and move around.

Thoughts? Again, please be nice - I’m not stupid, just anxious.
