Happy but feeling left out


I know this is dumb but I just needed to "vent" (not sure if that's the right word in this case because I'm not mad) about this. I have this circle of friends that I've been close with since middle school, we're a group of 4 girls and all 22 years old.

First, my best friend in the group got pregnant (not planned) with her boyfriend she's been off and on with since high school. Next, my other friend in the group got engaged to her boyfriend she's (consistently) been with since high school. Then, my best friend (the one that got pregnant) also got engaged a few months after that. And now today the last friend of the group got engaged too, to her boyfriend of 9 months.

So I'm the only one out of our group now who isn't engaged. Yes I have a boyfriend, we've had a house together (well it's his house but I live with him) for a little over a year now, and we've been together for almost 2 years. It's not that we haven't talked about marriage but we both agreed we weren't ready for a wedding especially with me starting grad school in a couple weeks.

I know it's stupid and I feel stupid for feeling this way but I do feel just a tad left out. While everyone is now going to be planning weddings, dress shopping, planning honeymoons, etc I won't be. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy for all of them and super excited for their weddings but I kind of just feel like the odd one out. Am I wrong to feel this way? And is it wrong that this makes me actually want to be engaged sooner? 🙃