I have a marijuana problem.

Before I even get started I would like to acknowledge that I know im probably gonna get a ton of hate. But all in all, I need help. I am 24 weeks and 1 day pregnant with my baby girl. I have been smoking weed everyday of my pregnancy. No nicotine. But marijuana daily. Ive told my doctor this too so he IS aware. But i lied and told him I’ve stopped in case he would’ve got me in trouble with cps. I’ve done my research on the subject and I know it’s not “bad” for her, but I don’t think it could be good either. I’m in a state where it is illegal and not even decriminalized. I told myself I would stop at 24 weeks to give myself 3 months to get clean , but I smoked yesterday too. It’s way harder than I thought it would be but I know I have to stop. Can anybody give me their stories? How did you stop and when? Was your baby okay? I really just needed to vent. Thank you.