First birthday already! 🎉

A • 🇨🇦 Baby boy ~ August 2018 💚

Our tiny baby boy is 1 today!!! Where has the time gone?? One year ago he finally arrived at 2:57am after being 10 days overdue. The first few months were exhausting with very little sleep and the adjustment to a small squishy thing needing so much attention was difficult. But eventually we started figuring things out (maybe. kind of. not really.) and he started smiling and cooing. Then laughing and babbling and crawling. Every month has gotten better as he learns and grows.

His personality is starting to show now. He makes funny noises and faces and knows when he's being silly. He has 7 teeth and loves broccoli, tomatoes and raspberries. And bread. He loves books. He'll pick his favourite ones off the shelf and make an annoyed exclamation if we don't read them over and over and over and over and over.

It has been really cool to see how he is beginning to understand us when we ask him questions and talk to him. He will point out things he knows and wave to them. He grins and bounces when he hears music.

Being a parent is hard. It's a 24/7 job. There are no breaks. Even when my husband is taking care of him, I'm still thinking about him. But this little dude makes me laugh every single day. His smiles and slightly slimey smooches are absolutely worth all the hard work.

It is also World Breastfeeding Week and today is our 365th day of breastfeeding! It is amazing to know that I helped him grow healthy and strong. I'm going to miss the quiet times when he holds my hand and happily eats. I'm glad I've been able to experience something that women have done for over a million years.

Happy birthday, my son! I love you more than I ever thought possible! ❤️❤️❤️