Attitude change=verbal abuse

Anytime I get a little upset over something my boyfriend goes off on me and treats me like shit. He said I’m going to the gym with _____ what are you about to do and the whole way over to the guys house he kept asking me what I was going to do. I said idk I guess go home bc I didn’t feel invited. We get to the neighborhood and he goes around the loop 2 times fast so then he asks me what’s wrong Bc I was sitting there like what the heck Bc I pay for that car and that’s ruining it for no reason. He then goes off on me and says I’m acting like a bitch Bc I told him I felt like he didn’t want me to go. He got pissed and I said I don’t want to argue then he went off. He called me an idiot and said as long as I change my moods he will continue to go off. He told me he doesn’t care if I’m crying or if I’m upset, that I’m a bitch, that I’m stupid, that he doesn’t need me or care if we are together. I also have strep said he doesn’t care said that for my birthday my 21st he’s getting me nothing and that he doesn’t care about me or how it is. He asked me why I’m crying and I said bc you make me feel unloved and like all you see is what I do wrong and said that’s my fault. I try so hard for him yet I’m nothing to him and once he’s mad it’s over and I’m nothing to him. He made me take him to the gym all the while saying if I don’t change my mood things will be bad later and that I’m going to regret this. All bc I said I didn’t feel like he wanted me to go. We argue the whole way to the gym where he takes me keys and goes inside leaving me out here in 100 degree weather in a black car bc I feel like shit from crying so much and having strep. I want to go home. I look horrible the last thing I want to do is be around him right now. He then comes out the gym and says let’s go you’re going let’s go you did this to yourself and refuses to give me my keys and said he’s going to be in there for 2 hours. So I’m sweating in my car crying. We were together for 4 years before I broke up with him for this same reason the way he made me feel when he was mad and how he says everything is my fault. He begged for me for 6 months when I didn’t say a word and said he would never treat me the same and that he realize so much. I feel played and hurt idk what to do