1 week postpartum 😔😥🥺 PLEASE HELP!!!


I need help

I had an emergency c section at 33 weeks didn’t get to hold my baby until day 3

She’s doing great in the nicu but her feeding is increasing faster than my milk is coming in. I’m pumping but it’s so hard not enough is coming out I’m pumping maybe 10-15 ml but they just increased her to 30 ml today

And I’m so happy that my baby is doing great and progressing well but my feet are ridiculously swollen and they are painful

So I’m trying to keep them elevated above heart level and it does help some but not enough

So I’m trying to pump but walking around is crazy

My husband helps a lot but he’s not taking his paternity leave until closer when the time they let her out of the nicu so he can help me at home

He’s a terrible cook- I can barely make it to the kitchen and I’m all this I’m trying to find some sleep until the next pumping

I already can’t keep up with my baby

Any help advice comfort at all would be very helpful because I’m losing my mind and it tears me up not being with her in the hospital

😢 and my emotions are all over the place

I don’t feel like a mom I love her but I don’t have this overwhelming feeling of being a mom is that normal ?

I’m terrified of bringing her home

Annnd my husband isn’t really talking to me because I yelled at him for not having his wedding ring on.

I’m falling apart here and according to my doctors my csection was one of the most difficult she has had in all her 30 years

So my recovery is not normal

And I haven’t pooped yet !!!