Babies with gas issues

Cori • 💙 Spencer Dean June 19 2019 💙

Just an FYI for mamas with babies with gas/tummy issues...My LO has been having really bad gas issues basically since my milk came in (he’s 6 weeks now). He would cry with his face being beat red for about 10 minutes multiple times a day until the pain wave and gas passed. I would give gas drops, probiotic drops, bicycle kicks and tummy massages and held him upright after feedings and nothing made it better. After I called his pediatrician office and spoke to a nurse, she suggested giving the gas drops before he eats rather than after which is what the directions say. Otherwise she said I’m doing everything right and just have to wait it out until he outgrows it. It has been basically one whole day of doing this and he has not cried once from tummy pain and I could cry of relief because hopefully I don’t have to see my baby in pain from this regularly. I just wanted to share this information 😊❤️