Letrozole-funky cycle


I’m having a weird letrozole cycle right now.

First cycle 2.5mg 3-7 no ovulation ended up being 47 day long cycle.

2nd cycle 5.0mg 3-7 ovulated on cd12 and 14dpo started with crazy insane bleeding (lost a pint in 8 hours).

Third cycle is right now and this is the weird one. I did 5.0mg 3-7 and had a follicle scan on cd11. No defined follicles getting ready to ovulate. She said for sure no O for at least 3 days. It’s been 4 days since that scan and my OPKs are fluctuating between pretty light test line and medium darkness test line. I’m on cd15 and I just feel like I’m not going to O this month. Has anyone experienced this?

At my appointment we saw that I have far more cysts than I had 2 years ago, but she’s still hopeful. I hate hate hate PCOS.

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