Hopefully new beginnings

Maryjane • Happy wife 💍 | Poetry & Art lover ❤️ | TTC baby # 1 👣💓 with PCOS | I curse a lot but I’m a sweetheart 🤣

So I’ve been TTC for 3 years now with no luck, not a single BFP. And my primary physician was always little to no help and her comments irritated me most of the time. When I bring up my PCOS (which my old gyno diagnosed me with), she says things like “well how do you know? You need to stay off google baby girl, we got this” 😑😑😑😑 if it wasn’t for ME TELLING YOU, you wouldn’t know because you keep procrastinating when it’s time to set up tests to run & ultrasounds on my ovaries. So I’m in the process of switching to a new doctor I’ve heard so many good things about. I also set up an appointment with a new gyno tomorrow AM & I’m so excited to see what all she has in store for me. I’m ready to just tell her every little detail & we what kind of treatments she can give me & hopefully a BFP follows. And she’s new in town so she doesn’t have many patients here like she does at her other office out of town.. so she was willing to schedule me an appointment the very next day after I called! Hopefully my miracle will come with these 2 new, high rated doctors working on my pcos & infertility. I’m praying everything works out perfectly and I get that BFP my husband & I have been trying for for over 3 years now!


My appointment was early this morning and I LOVED everything about this woman’s office. The staff was so polite, gentle & fun to talk to. The wall color & decor in the entire building was beautiful, comfy seats, refreshments. The gyno herself was very gentle with her work as well and has already scheduled me to run a lot of tests, including the pelvic ultrasound I’ve been needing. Then she scheduled me an appointment at her office in 2 weeks once all my results are in & everything, then we’ll be able to discuss diagnosis & whatnot. I’m so excited & impressed already.

*And yes, I’m fully aware fertility is not an OB’s specialty BUT in order to obtain a degree, you have to know a great amount about the woman’s reproductive system. And I’d hope you’re not getting your lady parts checked out by someone who knows nothing about that 🙃 And my new OB is doing a lot to help with my infertility despite what y’all are used to with yours so thanks anyway.