Mom Guilt


I feel terrible. My LO had gone thru the sleep regression over the past month, but the last week was great. Something triggered last night and we were up every 15 min - 2 hours last night from 8-2:30. I was okay with it for the most part, but then right around 2 he went into hysterical mode and was grabbing and pulling my hair. I couldn’t try to sooth him/adjust him in my arms because he had my hair - and it hurt. It was the first time I raised my voice and yelled his name. I gave him to his dad (I had been with him for ~ 2 hours by myself) and went and put my hair up. He usually doesn’t pull in the middle of the night - he just wakes up, I feed him and he falls right back asleep, so I didn’t think to put my hair up (lesson learned). I couldn’t sleep after because I felt so bad. And this morning he was super sweet and happy. I know he’ll never know or remember but I still just have a pang in my stomach over it.