

So I’ve been hypothyroid for close to 6 years at this point, and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s a year and a half ago. Before getting pregnant, my levels were perfect. At 6 weeks, my levels had gone up but we’re still within the normal range (under 2.5). Then at 10 weeks, I requested to have my labs run again because I just felt off. Good thing I did, as my levels had made a huge jump and my doctor called today to tell me they were now at 6.3. After a morning spent on the phone, a new prescription is being called in and I’m going to be closely monitored, but I’ve spent the morning crying off and on knowing that poorly regulated TSH can lead to miscarriage or poor development of the nervous system. I know there’s nothing I can really do but be vigilant, but I guess I just wanted to share my feelings with people who might get it. Thanks guys.