DOR with normal blood work, low follicle count


I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

We started working with an RE in March. All my blood work came back normal. They mentioned that might follicle count that month was on the low side of normal and never brought it up again. We were given an unexplained infertility diagnosis.

We did 3 IUIs (femera + ovidrel). I was told I responded well. The second was successful but ended at 5 weeks. We took a break after the 3rd because my Doctor's office closed for vacation.

I went in this morning to get the ball rolling again. The doctor told me I should consider <a href="">IVF</a> this cycle because of my low ovarian reserve. She said this month I had more follicles than normal, so it was time to do it. That news came as such a shock. I'm floored. It feels like this came out of nowhere. And I had to make the decision right then and there.

After talking to the fertility nurse, I've decided to opt for a more aggressive <a href="">IUI</a> protocol. Next time I have enough follicles for <a href="">IVF</a>, I'll do it, but it was too much psychologically to deal with today, without notice. <a href="">IVF</a> is no joke.

I'm terrified that I'm missing my best opportunity for <a href="">IVF</a> but I'm just not ready. Am I an idiot?