Sex help please!!!!!!!!


I lost my virginity only like a month ago and haven’t done it too many times yet. We’ve tried a few positions but mainly cowgirl and doggy. Cowgirl feels good but only great when I go fast, but I get tired out really easily when I go fast. Any advice on that? Also, doggy feels good/great and I don’t have to do anything, but after a couple minutes it starts to hurt a little, and after a couple more minutes it feels like he’s too deep and I just can’t really take it anymore. It also feels kinda like mild rug burn so I know we gotta get lube. But also at the angle he likes, last time it kinda felt like something was hitting a bone, idk. I adjusted the position but his dick kept coming out that way. When he pulled out before he came (also on birth control btw) I was more relieved than anything, it hurt too much. I told him afterwards and he understands. I just need advice please!!!