Pregnant 3 weeks post miscarriage?!?


Hey everyone!

My husband and I found out we were expecting June first (due date February 2020). Unfortunately we miscarried 3 weeks ago and I had an emergency d&c. We waited the two weeks and got cleared to try again and had unprotected sex last Tuesday. I’ve been testing to make sure levels were regulating and received a negative test Thursday night and a stark white test Friday morning. This morning I woke up with sore breasts and a headache (symptoms of my last pregnancy) and decided to test. To my surprise the the tests were positive. I decided to test about an hour and a half later and got a darker line. Waited two hours later and got even darker. Could I actually be pregnant 3 weeks after my procedure? Or is this more likely to be leftover hcg even though the tests showed negative last week? Thanks in advance!