Bad anxiety with work

I work at a call centre and I hate it so much. I’ve always had really bad anxiety and had a hard time holding down any job because of my anxiety. One day I’ll be fine to go into work and the next day I’m having panic attacks and have to call in sick. I always eventually end up leaving every job within 1 year of working there because I just can’t handle it. I’ve worked in retail, gas stations, call centres, health care, reception, and nothing is a good match. Every job causes me debilitating anxiety to the point I’m crying and shaking before work and call in frequently because I just can’t bring myself to go. I am pregnant right now and my anxiety and stress with my call centre job was getting so bad that I was having to leave work everyday crying and if someone yelled at me or I had an unhappy customer on the phone I literally could not deal with it. My doctor ended up putting me on sick leave for stress but then I found out I was pregnant. Because I’m pregnant in order to qualify for maternity leave I have to work at least 600 hours before I go off on maternity leave so I have to go back in about two weeks at the latest in order to get maternity leave and I don’t feel ready at all. When I think about it I start shaking and crying and I can’t even think about going back. I feel so miserable and depressed. I seriously am at the point where I just want to quit my job and hope for the best because I don’t know what else to do. It’s so embarrassing crying at work everyday which just makes my anxiety worse and makes me want to be there even less. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been put on a waiting list for free counselling but the wait time is over a year long. 😞