fFn . Contractions. Loss of plug. 31 weeks !

Amber • Wife to Micah 💑 • Stepmom to A 💙 (7) • Mommy to J 💙 (4) • Mommy to A 💗 (1) • NICU mommy to M (32 weeks gestation)

I am 31 weeks tomorrow ! I’ve been getting weekly progesterone shots and over The Weekend lost my plug had some bloody show and inconsistent contraction. Today I saw my doctor and he confirmed I did dilate to a 2 and my plug was gone . He did a fFn test which came back positive. I’ve been monitoring contractions in L&D for 2 hours now. I was givin a medication to calm the uterus but hasn’t worked yet .

Any other people can relate ? How accurate are the fFn tests ?