Friendship and leaving important parts of truth out

This year I made friends with a girl who seemingly made bad choices in friends, relationships and family members.

I felt sorry for her and got really close as we are both pregnant and about 6 weeks apart from due dates. I knew something wasn’t entirely right when every time she told me stories of why she’s upset with a friend, ex or family member that it was always them in the red zone for being the “asshole” we all know that sometimes we’re defo the bad guy so to constantly play victim in every situation is a red flag. I thought nothing of it because genuinely all these people she’s around really sounded like the assholes? As times past and she messages me 5 times a day approx, about her ex (apparent babies father?😂) friends flaking on her and family issues. I give advice to the best of my ability. As more times passed, she reveals a little more everyday that she’s actually not the innocent guy she so eagerly tries to perceive.

These constant white lies and missing out parts that would make my advice so much easier to give just, falls apart. She’s been crying too me for 4 months about who i thought was the babies father who’s requested a dna test, I felt insulted for her as she’s made out she’s an angel and he just out of the blue left her, got with a new person and wants dna for the sake of being difficult. Turns out he left he because she slept with someone the night they had an argument, it’s so close to the conception date that clearly she doesn’t actually know who the father genuinely is and I’ve been slagging him off because of what she only tells me badly of him 🤦🏻‍♀️ her mum and sister call her a slag constantly and I was like “wtf they’re nasty” turns out she’s been with 5 guys this year and three of them whilst carrying a child, so can see their validity of thinking she’s somewhat of a sort...She gets angry at me when I don’t reply and bombards me with messages so I just keep up with her for the sake of peace?

Yes people are going to tell me either to mind my own business or just leave the situation but how do I handle someone like this?