Job update


Thank you to everyone for the prayers and positive thoughts for my husband’s job. I posted about it a couple weeks ago. I posted a poll, and it was literally split 50/50 on whether you would take the job or not.

The short version is our whole lives would change if he got the job: we would have to break our lease and move, I would have to drive over 30 minutes potentially in bad weather to work, we would live 40 minutes from church where we are heavily involved, we would not have family near, he would work crazy hours and be on call on weekends, etc.

Today my husband contacted the place of potential employment because he hasn’t heard back in over a week. There was miscommunication with the staff, and they all thought someone else had contacted him.

When it got down to salary and a few dates we know we will need off for, it was abundantly clear that it would not work for us. I was so relieved but also sad because it was what he wanted.

When he got home, he was so happy. I wasn’t sure why. He told me he got a call today from another job opportunity with Habitat for Humanity. He has been interested in going back to a non profit, and he loves their mission. It’s so funny how a door closed but less than an hour later another one opened!

He also said that he was relieved and honestly happy that the other job didn’t work out. He wanted part of the job, but not all of it.

Now we can move on with continuing to fix up our house and make our new place our home ❤️

He also filled out applications for 2 other Christian-based companies in the area.