


Guys my son has finally mastered walking 😭 who else is in the same emotional boat as me? Do I start him on shoes or let him do barefoot?

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Yess! Just started really walking on her own last week and now it’s all she wants to do! She goes bare foot. She won’t keep shoes on at all. She really just walks around the house right now.


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If we are home I don’t make Kinsley wear shoes, but when we are out she wears them. Before she started walking on her own she’d push her stroller so she got some practice in shoes. I recommend letting him help you push the stroller around with shoes on to get used to them if he hasn’t been wearing them.It’s terrifying how suddenly every mundane object in the house and outside of it becomes dangerous, isn’t it? I keep thinking “we’ll, once she’s more stable, I’ll relax.” But then comes trying to run!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ma • Aug 6, 2019
I’ll definitely start letting him practice for sure. I’m already calculating everything that needs to be moved or rebabyproofed 😂


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My daughter has been able to walk f for some time now but today she finally started to do it all the time.


Ma • Aug 6, 2019
That’s exactly my son! He’s been doing it off and on but today he hasn’t crawled at all and walked everywhere 😁 I’m still a bit shocked lol


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While mine isn’t walking yet (taken steps here and there when she doesn’t even realize it lol) but I’ve heard barefoot is better 🤷🏻‍♀️ i hope it’s true because my daughter has tiny feet and I haven’t been able to find hard shoes in her size


Ma • Aug 6, 2019
I have some shoes from my baby shower that he fits in, they’re not soft but not hard either and say they’re for new walkers. But idk if it’s better for him to walk just with his feet or if these shoes would be the best route