I hate the TWW!


Ok so at the risk of sounding nuts ...

Had sex 2 days before ovulation and day before ovulation....

I don't temp. Yes I know I ovulated because my boobs woke me up screaming mad that they were being touched by my shirt day after O. (This is normal)

5 dpo... Had one spot about the size of a pin head of blood. Now I know science says that is technically too early for IB but with previous pregnancy I literally got my BFP at 7 dpo and my doctor said that while rare it's possible if his stuff is waiting for the egg when it shows...

Now here I sit 7 dpo and coke makes me nauseous. I have insomnia which is a symptom I had when pregnant with my daughter and all I want is too be topless due to the boob discomfort.

Ladies I am scared. Like terrified of being pregnant because well and this is going to sound silly but if I am this baby will be due the exact same day as my last pregnancy which I lost in August of 2018.

The exact same day.... What are the odds?

I took a test earlier and it showed the faintest of lines but I can't bring myself to hope...

Pray for me please.