Awkward...... coworker took a prego test this morning after she shared some symptoms and I was sound prego when are you due for af? She said 2 days ago. So she comes out and says nope negative. So i go in to pee (small private bathroom) and its right there in top of trash...I mean what would you do? Less than 10 minute mark there is two lines lol. So she didnt wait the full time. Now I'm like..I cant go say hey I looked at your test in the trash and its

UPDATE..her period didnt start now 4 days so she knows I always have a test in me. I sent one home with her and told her to use first morning urine, and wait 5 minutes to check and let her know faint lines count. I'm expecting her to tell me in the am she is pregnant:) but she called her doc so she is well prepared if she is anyway and being safe.