How soon after a miscarriage can we start trying again?

Natalie • Married, mommy to a baby 🎀 & baby 🎀 #2 due July2020

We had a miscarriage yesterday at 10+4. I was experiencing some bleeding, so I went in to get checked out and we couldn't find a heartbeat. There was a heartbeat 2 weeks ago at 8+4. Also, our baby appeared to have stopped growing. My OB didn't want to say 100% yet and wanted me to have 2 blood tests to see HCG levels before calling it, but did admit baby did not appear to be 10+4. I had blood drawn yesterday and will have blood drawn on Thursday, then next Monday I go in for the results. I haven't stopped bleeding, its only become more frequent and my body knows this is it. Dear husband and I are super sad. We grieved and mourned our loss yesterday, but we are also trying to be strong for our 10 month old baby girl. She is such a happy baby and we do not want to change that. So we are doing our best to stay strong in front of her. I will not get to see my DR until Monday I am kind of left with a few questions: 1. When can we start trying again? 2. Will I need to have a procedure or take a pill? Does it hurt? Or will my body clean itself out naturally? I know these are questions I should have asked my Dr, but I was not thinking clearly after I didn't see my baby's heartbeat. All I could do was cry and focus on holding myself together. Any insight would be comforting and greatly appreciated. TIA