We only dated but I’m finding it hard to move on


I recently started dating someone after he had been pursuing me for 2 years.

Things started off really well as we were good friends first. I became insanely attracted to him and vice versa. We dated and saw each other often as we both have had time off work due to his injury and my leave.

We started arguing here and there over minor stuff which we always managed to resolve and revert back. However, things became really cold and off the past week really quickly. I feel like I’ve lost him.

He called things off as he felt like he wasn’t in the right frame of mind due to his injury and wants to get better before trying again but I’ve realised I’m taking it much harder than I thought I ever would. Considering it’s been only a few months of dating, and I didn’t even think I fell for him hard, him going cold on me and suddenly out of my life is having a big effect on me and I can’t seem to get over it as I would usually. It’s taking me longer and usually when these things happen I can always go back to focusing on myself and seeing the bigger picture but for some reason this time round, there’s fog and cloud and I can’t stop feeling sad about it.

Any one else went through the same with someone specific you don’t know why? And any reasons for this?

Please be kind, I’m not in a good place right now