Proud but sad

Avie • Momma of 2 beautiful boys. 9/13/12 , 8/6/18. 💙💙💙💙💙💙 and a loving wife 8/23/14 ❤❤❤❤

My baby boy turned 1 today. I'm so proud of him. He makes me smile so much. And he has such an amazing personality! The cutest smile, and amazing laugh and he got his momma's weirdness which there is nothing wrong with that. I have watch all his milestones so far and am so proud of him. He has learned to roll over, sit-up, crawl, and at the moment pull himself up on things and walk along them. I got to tell you ladies I'm a big sobbing mess. Feel like this first year has zoomed by! ☹️ It feels like just a month ago he was my new born. And now he is a year. But I'm so happy he is here and healthy. This momma of her little cutie pie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Happy birthday


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So precious. Happy birthday little one! 🎉