Pregnant or PMS

Me & my boyfriend had unprotected sex multiple times during this cycle, i’m 3 days away from the start of my period. I usually have really bad cramping and slight breast soreness and fatigue as PMS symptoms. But this time i’ve had:

Breast soreness - not sensitive around the nippe at all. no darkening either. feels as though they are filled with water lol.

Nausea - maybe once or twice after i ate.

Cramping - usual

Back pain - slight, only when cramping was occurring.

Fatigue - always very bad i’m also anemic.

Also, my CM is very sticky & my cervix is very low.

I tested 2 days ago (5 days from when my period is due) & it was negative.

I also took a plan B a month ago, idk if this could play into it.

I don’t really need the “BC talk” ( very difficult conversation with my parents) i just want opinions lol.

So, please leave comments as well as vote.

Also, if you have a suggestion on how to convince my parents on BC, please help.

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