5 days late.. but still negatives


I got married in April and my husband and I are TTC, but wishing the last month tracked ovulation. He just turned 30 and myself 29 in the past few months. I’be never been late for my period, maybe a day off or if I didn’t track on the app correctly. But I took a first response 2 days before period, and other brands on the day off period, 1 day after missed and 4 days after missed. But all

Came up negative. Ive had a little pink or brownish/red sticky stuff on the toilet paper when I use the restroom, but not a lot or not every time.

Can I still be pregnant just not showing yet on tests? Or maybe I’m just late.

I’ve never been on birth control, only been with my husband and have had regular periods around 26-27day cycle.