

So I am with a guy who I love to pieces and I have caught him cheating on me several times. He took in my daughter before she was even born and she is 7 months old now.

He use to cheat on me through social media and then on the 28th of July I caught him bout to kiss another female and it was the day of our anniversary. I was heartbroken and he is saying ita my fault for pushing him and the fact that i got with him when he was ready for the responsibility of being a father. I know that it isnt my fault because he made the choice but I don't know what to do. That night I caught him I was so angry and upset and I kept asking him if he wants me let me know if he dont I will leave and that i didn't want to leave.

He told me he wants me and only me and I told him to prove it and well he has been deleting messages and made an account on a dating site he keeps installing and uninstalling on his phone. I am fed up at this point where I am emotionaly exhausted because he doesn't even watch our daughter when I am at work and he is off so I have to get babysitters all the time. I am just done today he is mad at me because I called out of work. I am so tired where I was starting to fall asleep standing up and I cant do that at work because I could get seriously hurt.

He refuses to take me to get my license back and I want to leave but I don't know how to go about it we live together and I got no where to go my family is all of state.