Doctor appointment today 😳😳


Okay ladies i need some help calming my nerves and giving me some good vibes. My husband and I have not had the best of luck conceiving, we unfortunately suffered a miscarriage in December and 2 chemicals in the last year and half. We decided to give ourselves a break after the miscarriage so for 2019 we kinda just let things happen. My last period was May 7th, 2019, i have suffered from irregular periods, and its been 2 years of coming off depo, i was on it for quite a few years. It took about a year for depo to really get out of my body and make me have periods again. In 2018 I started to bleed every month, the periods itself were not all the same but i could count on bleeding every month around the same time. So come June, no period, i kinda forget with life being busy. Then come July still nothing, not even spotting, so i take a few test and i feel I see lines, though super faint. As does my husband. I have had the worst case of nausea for the past few weeks, its so bad i barely eat, which is why me gaining weight is super weird, i have horrible headaches, my nipples are so dark and sore, and im bloated 24/7, like i wake up bloated. So i honestly hold off on calling the doctor because i just don't feel like them telling me im crazy and there is nothing, im probably just stress. I am not dress honestly, ive been enjoying the days with my husband. Sorry for this long rant, but besides my husband no one knows what we are going through. I haven't told anyone, because i don't want to get anyones hope up, so i have you ladies to help.

Fingers crossed they tell me what is going on today🙏🙏🙏