Has anyone gotten pregnant with a short luteal phase?


So my past 4 luteal phases have gone the following:

10 days

11 days

10 days

11 days

I know that this is likely low progesterone ( few months ago I got blood checked at 8 DPO & progesterone was 4.9 ng/mL)

I started using progesterone cream 4 DPO this last cycle and I still started spotting at 10 DPO.

I haven’t tracked anything this month because we’ve been trying for 8 months now and my heart is growing tired after all the negatives, and being surrounded by sooo many people getting pregnant. I even deleted this app.

But I really just wanted to see if I’m shooting blanks here every time we try if it’s really not gonna happen without medical help.

PLEAAASE comment your experience with this!! I really need it right now. 😩

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