Pause custody battle or keep pushing

Ik some people don't believe in parental alienation but that's happening to my step son. My poor boy is being brainwashed against his dad (my husband) and myself. I'm so worried about his emotional and psychological health in addition to his relationship with us and his sister (my no child with his dad). I'm due on September with another and we have been in a custody battle for 4 years and we were supposta have trial in June. That got pushed to September. We tried to get baby mama to agree to mediation but no luck yet. I'm so torn I want us to have my step son more, it's what my daughter and husband wants as well. We barely get to see him and it's so hard. But I just don't have the energy or money to keep putting into this with a baby coming in 5 weeks. Our attorney is advising we pull our petition and wait till we are financially more stable to take her to court again. I want my husband and her to do mediation to at least get a semi new order where he has more time with son and she has less control. Idk but I'm exhausting me.

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